Please enter the email address that you used to register with myCouncil.
We will send a link to help reset your password.
Register for a myCouncil LIM account
log in, apply
and pay for a LIM report, and view transactions.
New Plymouth District Council owns and operates the New Plymouth District Council myCouncil online portal (the "Portal").
By accessing or using the Portal, and any online services offered through the Portal, you are deemed to have read and accepted the Portal's terms and conditions of use. These include the terms and conditions set out on this page, together with any applicable terms or conditions on other parts of the Portal and/or the New Plymouth District Council website relating to any information content or online services.
New Plymouth District Council may make any changes to the Portal, to its terms and conditions, or any online services offered via it any time without notice.
You agree that your use of the Portal and any information and online services will comply with these terms and conditions and with all applicable laws.
Online services in these terms include all services New Plymouth District Council provides online through the Portal. These services include but are not limited to the provision of certain information, bookings and applications, and processing transactions and payments.
The online services provided via the Portal are only available to users who register for those services or for access. You must provide current, complete, and accurate information as part of any registration application. New Plymouth District Council may reject any application for registration.
If you register for such online services or access, and are issued with a username and password, you will be responsible for any use of online services and the Portal through use of your username and password, and must keep your username and password secret and secure. You must advise New Plymouth District Council immediately should the secrecy of your username and/or password details become comprised.
Transactions (including payments) through online services are binding on you. You should keep a copy of any transaction confirmation for your records. You are entirely responsible for the accuracy of all details (including credit card details) you provide in relation to transactions you make through online services and agree that you have all authority required to pay via the payment method chosen by you.
You may terminate your registration and use of the Portal by submitting a written request that New Plymouth District Council deletes your registration (including your user name and password, if applicable).
New Plymouth District Council may terminate your registration and use of any online without notice if in New Plymouth District Council's opinion you have breached any of these terms and conditions, or your use is unlawful, unauthorised, dishonest, or inappropriate.
Any termination of your registration and right to use the Portal or the online services will not affect any rights or obligations which have accrued prior to termination.
The material provided on the Portal is either owned or licenced by New Plymouth District Council and is subject to copyright law.
You are not permitted to copy and sell or exploit for commercial purposes, any material on the Portal.
You are permitted to access, view, print, and copy the material on the Portal for non-commercial personal or internal business purposes.
You may also reproduce material on the Portal free of charge and without further permission so long as you do so for informational purposes, reproduce it accurately, do not use it in a misleading or derogatory context and acknowledge that the information is sourced from New Plymouth District Council and is subject to copyright.
However, registered and unregistered trademarks, logos, and service marks used on the Portal and the online services (which are owned by New Plymouth District Council or others) must not be used without specific written permission of the owner.
The Portal may include links or references to other websites. New Plymouth District Council does not control or endorse those websites and are not responsible for their content or activity. Your use of such links and other websites is your responsibility and is at your own risk.
By using the Portal and any online services you are agreeing to New Plymouth District Council collecting information about you. Any information we collect from you will be dealt with in accordance with the law and with New Plymouth District Council's privacy statement New Plymouth District Council is entitled to store, use and rely on all information and documents provided by you.
By using the Portal any online services, you agree to provide information and documents in electronic form and to the standards (and in the form) required for the relevant transaction, and you agree to receive information and documents from us in electronic form.
If someone submits or requests information on your behalf, we will treat that person as your agent and assume they have your consent to submit the information, make the request and to receive information and documents from us in electronic form.
The Portal is provided for your use 'as is'. Your reliance upon and use of the Portal, its content and any online services, is entirely at your own judgment and risk.
New Plymouth District Council has made reasonable effort to ensure that the Portal, its content and the online services:
However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, New Plymouth District Council does not (expressly or impliedly) warrant any of those things.
Where the Portal allows users to provide opinions and comments, they are the opinions and comments of the individual user, not New Plymouth District Council. New Plymouth District Council will endeavour to correct any error, inaccuracy or defects, and remove any inappropriate or infringing content that it becomes aware of.
The maximum extent permitted by law, New Plymouth District Council excludes and disclaims:
These terms and conditions and any matters or disputes connected with the Portal or any online services will be exclusively governed by and interpreted in accordance with New Zealand laws and dealt with by New Zealand courts.
If you have any feedback or comments about the Portal or the online services, or if you have any concerns about the accuracy of information or material contained on the Portal, please contact us.